
40 messages
  1. Article
    18 June 2024

    Merger of Alfa and ABAB completed

    Merger of Alfa and ABAB completed. First Employee Participation round oversubscribed by 60%.
  2. Whitepaper

    Guide to hiring your first employee in the Netherlands

    As an international employer, you encounter diverse labor laws, required certificates, and payroll duties. This guide provides a brief overview of hiring your first employee in the Netherlands.
  3. Article
    29 May 2024

    Foreign employers: What is the work-related expenses scheme?

    As a non-Dutch employer withholding wage tax for employees in the Netherlands, the work-related expenses scheme applies to you. What does this scheme entail?
  4. Article
    29 May 2024

    The consequence of a salary split for the work-related expenses scheme

    Under the work-related expenses scheme in the Netherlands, employers can provide tax-free reimbursements. A salary split with another country affects this scheme.
  5. Article
    22 May 2024

    FASTER: Faster retrieval of Foreign Withholding Tax?

    The EU Council approved the FASTER Directive on May 14. It harmonizes procedures for reclaiming and exempting withholding tax, enabling faster, easier refunds across the EU.
  6. Article
    15 May 2024

    Alfa Accountants and Advisors and ABAB are exploring a possible merger

    ABAB and Alfa explore merger for combined strengths, services, and employee ownership, aiming to lead in SME accounting with impact-driven approach.
  7. Article
    8 May 2024

    Transfer pricing and VAT: More clarity soon

    The complex relationship between transfer pricing adjustments in corporate tax and VAT is under scrutiny, with ECJ inquiries seeking clarity.
  8. Article
    8 May 2024

    Posting employees to the Netherlands

    For international employment in NL, Dutch laws apply. Seconded employees and employers must follow EU and NL regulations. ABAB International aids compliance.
  9. Article
    7 May 2024

    Posted employees? Take Dutch employment law into account

    An international employment relationship can be subject to Dutch employment law. Will your employees be working in the Netherlands for a longer period of time? Read more.